“Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Listen so they feel heard

    Not everyone wants healing touch, some forms of healing just come from feeling heard. Our guests will have many stories, and you don't need to be a qualified therapist, just two ears and a kind heart. Sitting in a peaceful space and listening will be a gift to our guests.

  • Build it and they will come

    It all begins with an idea. The founder of Lotus Bloom Farm, Karen Felimond has so many ideas to create beautiful spaces to allow our guests to relax. We have so much land to get creative. You don't need to be a certified carpenter just some handy DIY skills and a willing heart.

  • Let food by our medicine

    During our retreats we will be teaching our guests how to make a quick and nutritious meal and serving it to them to enjoy. Food can be the healer of the body. You don't need to be a chef or a trained server just two hands and a happy willing volunteer.

Get in touch.

We have many opportunities to volunteer above are just a few examples. It takes a village to create something beautiful. If you have the intention to help and serve others, give back to your community hero’s we can use your help. Let us know any specific skills you may have or ways in which you feel motivated to help.

Thank you!